Zoe Kende, St. Jamestown resident, has been putting hundreds of hours into gardening and cleaning up around our two school gardens at Winchester PS and Rose Ave. PS. She cares deeply for the urban forest and gardens, and spends much of her spare time in these spaces, also volunteering at The Corner, a social service agency in St. Jamestown which hosts a seed library and cares for green spaces in this dense urban high-rise neighbourhood. Pictured here is the new tree nursery under construction at Rose Ave. – seven “petals” arranged around a central circular planting of Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) – a lovely native tree with edible leaves and berries! (Zoe did the math below.)
By what good fortune did Green Thumbs TO gain the skills and voluntary labour of this dedicated gardener? Well, says Sunday Harrison, founder and Executive Director, “I met Zoe in the forests of North Hastings/Algonquin territory, and we always hit it off. She was a midwife for many years, and “caught” my son Zak 27 years ago! I was delighted to renew our friendship in 2023.”
