Join Green Thumbs Growing Kids and supporters for a Garden Tour and Celebration!
When : Tuesday August 17th, 7 – 8 pm
Where: Winchester Public School Community Garden, at the corner of Winchester Street and Rose Avenue
Join community members, MPP Glen Murray and supporters of Green Thumbs Growing Kids, such as the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Live Green Toronto and others, to celebrate the accomplishments of youth in greening their community and producing local food in St. James Town, one of the most densely populated areas of North America and home to many new immigrants and refugees. Green Thumbs Growing Kids has been gardening on school grounds for 10 years, working with teachers, parents and community partners to model sustainable school food gardens. In partnership with Youth Voices Research Group, GTGK has been able to hire 8 youth from St. Jamestown for the summer.
Among the high-rise buildings of inner city Toronto, in the middle of summer vacation, children, youth, and families gather weekly on a public school ground. They are harvesting and tasting fresh Ontario produce. Children exercise and play together, parents socialize and share recipes, and local youth find gainful summer employment. Says summer youth staffer Sarah Haimes, “It is the kind of job that gives you the opportunity to learn about the bounty of the earth, community building, and especially about yourself. Having the opportunity to be responsible and a role model to children gives you a sense of purpose and fullness when you accomplish your job.”
Contact: Sunday Harrison, Executive Director
Green Thumbs Growing Kids
647-FIT-KIDS (348-5437) or cell (416) 876-1480
