by Joe Durand

Marla and David Celia provided beautiful music
With the coming of spring there is so much to be thankful for as we look to the coming growing season and programs. The 2019 Spring Is In The Air event was a huge success and celebration of all that we strive for. It never ceases to amaze me how the garden is a place for everyone, every child, youth, teacher and volunteer can find a place to connect and learn. There were budding young artists using nature’s leaves, stems, needles and grasses to make art, seniors were sharing hand-crafted pollinator hotels, while others came to simply enjoy the sun and scent of spring. Still others came to talk gardens and planting. Some came with generations of knowledge from their families and homes of origin, and others came wanting to know how to start.
Lara Morovsky was there to launch her new book, Grow Without a Garden: 101 Plants for Containers. She shared her original artwork from the book and her extensive knowledge of plants.

Lara Lucretia Mrosovsky and her new book
In true Green Thumbs fashion, everyone left knowing more about plants, nature, gardens, pollinators, healthy soil, healthy plants and how good they taste. Right now gardens are opening, kids are planting in the greenhouse, soon youth will be hired to run summer camps/programs, staff are being hired to teach and mentor and our director continues to reach out and find ways to demonstrate that the garden is a good place to deliver curriculum.

Plant Sale
Our friends and sponsors know this too. Thanks to Mark Cullen who readily shares about starting out in his backyard garden in East York. Daniel et Daniel want everyone in their community to know about the goodness of fresh whole foods. The Friends of Allan Gardens share in our passion to create spaces for kids to find nature in the heart of the city. Grow It All provides us with healthy certified organic seeding & potting mix. Meridian Credit Union helps with local projects like ours. And of course the City of Toronto provided us with the beautiful space to gather.

Front of house
Thanks also to the Board of Directors, the many Silent Auction and food sponsors, Real Food for Real Kids and Black River Juice, volunteers and friends who know that relationships are the key to learning, creating good food choices, learning about nature and building community. The April 2019 Spring is in the Air event was such a grand opportunity to take a moment and reflect on all the goodness and support that sustains us.
