School Gardens Land Back Training Program
Job Posting: Volunteer Training Program Co-ordinator
Wage rate: $27/hr x 35 hr wk. M-F 9:30-4:30
Apply to: jobs@greenthumbsto.org
Enclose a cover letter and resume
Posting closes July 23, 2023, midnight
Start date: August 8, 2023
Contract until June 28, 2024, with possibility of extension
In-person with occasional work-from-home days
School Gardens Land Back Project
The purpose of the Project is to train participant volunteers to start their own decolonial school gardens, learning from Indigenous mentors and hands-on experience in the Green Thumbs school partner gardens, plus readings and study of successful school garden projects in Toronto and elsewhere. The participant volunteers will be from across the City, who are committed to starting and maintaining a school garden in their own child’s school as a parent, or as a community member. Green Thumbs Growing Kids has 24 years experience running school-community gardens and 10 years as an official partner with the Toronto District School Board.
You have experience:
· Training adults
· Gardening/land working/land care, preferably on school property
· Developing curriculum
You have excellent:
· Administrative skills
· Interpersonal skills
You will be joining a team that is diverse in age, race and gender. Your lived experience as an Indigenous, Black or Racialized individual will be a success factor in this role. If this is not your lived experience, we look forward to hearing about the relationships you have cultivated in solidarity.
Project timeline:
· Recruit volunteer participants and Indigenous mentors, August/September 2023
• Develop curriculum and promote training program in the wider urban agriculture and school food communities. September 2023
• Train 20 new school garden volunteers and empower them with experience and resources to start their own decolonial school gardens, with Indigenous mentorship. October 2023-June 2024. Two sessions: October 2023 through January 2024, March through June 2024. 10 Volunteer/participants/session.