Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training
Green Thumbs Growing Kids is a community-based non-profit organization bringing gardening into elementary schools, for children to learn about the environment and food through hands-on activities. We partner with a cluster of schools in the downtown East neighbourhoods of Regent Park, Cabbagetown and St. James Town.
GARDEN EDUCATOR – Indigenous Program Co-ordinator
You’ll bring gardening knowledge and experience with children into our school garden programs. You’ll help teach children about the land.
You’ll help children learn nouns in Anishnaabemowin or Kanien’keha language, to name the trees and other plants in the garden
You’ll ideally have some experience in one or more of the following: landscaping, tree care, gardening, teaching, greenhouse maintenance, administrative tasks in project management such as supervising contractors and budgeting, managing partnerships
You’ll work 35 hours/week, pay rate $20/hr.
Job starts May 1
Send resume and cover letter BY APRIL 23 at 5 pm in one document to: jobs@greenthumbsto.org
You must be registered (PDF) with Miziwe Biik to qualify
No phone calls please