Hello hello! We’ve been super busy here and have not had much time to update the blog with all the exciting stuff happening here at GTGK(apart from the fundraiser)!
We’ve had two awesome OISE interns Mehrdad and Lyndsay this month. I cannot tell you enough how great it’s been to have them to not only help run programs but also develop their own lesson plans and work on different projects! More on that later…
We’ve been running a ton of programs at Allan Gardens Children’s Conservatory and also having students directly sowing seeds and TRANSPLANTING their little seedlings in their school gardens.
We’ve probably had our best harvest of greens and herbs in late April and early May in GTGK history in the Winchester School Garden, thanks to our cold frame (which has sadly “walked out”) and other season extension techniques.
Sunday presented at the Middle Childhood Matters Coalition Toronto symposium on May 12th and spoke about Nature Deficit Disorder, a term coined by Richard Louv in 2005 to characterize “the human costs of alienation from nature, among them: diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, and higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses”.
Also, we had the pleasure of bringing classes from Rose Ave. P.S., Winchester P.S. and École Gabrielle-Roy to Henry’s farm Fifth Wind Farm in Cobourg so that they could make earth bricks in order to design their own garden beds back at their schools. Below are a couple photos from some of the trips.

More photos here! Happy planting everyone! Time to put out the peppers, tomatoes and basils out, if you haven’t already!