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Food cannot be a weapon of war in Gaza

Sunday Harrison

Updated: May 15, 2024

Updated May 15, 2024

March 12, 2024

Food Security Organizations Coalition Statement on the siege of Gaza

We, the undersigned organizations, condemn the catastrophic situation now unfolding in Gaza, in which food is illegally being denied to civilian populations. Under no circumstance can it be justified to use food as a weapon of war.

Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip is depriving essential food, fuel, water, electricity and medicine to 2.2 million Palestinian people, nearly half of whom are children. Moreover, the continued air strikes prevent safe access to what few provisions arrive in the Gaza Strip. Early in the morning of 29 Feb, more than 100 people were massacred by Israeli forces and at least 700 others wounded in northern Gaza as they waited for food aid to be delivered.

The denial of access to food and water is a violation of international humanitarian law relating to the protection of civilians in times of war, including the Geneva Conventions and their protocols. The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to do everything in its power to avoid committing genocide, which it has considered “plausible” given the statements of fact provided by South Africa.

In 2018, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2417, which strongly condemns the starving of civilians as a method of warfare, as well as the unlawful denial of humanitarian access depriving civilians of “objects indispensable to their survival”. This includes food and water. Five years on, we note that the deplorable situation in Gaza is the latest example of food being continually weaponized in conflicts around the world.

Gaza had already endured a devastating 16-year blockade and long-standing occupation, where 62% of the population required food assistance. On 19 October, UN experts expressed serious concerns about the tightening of the siege and recalled that “the UN Security Council has repeatedly condemned the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, which is prohibited under international humanitarian and criminal law.” Withholding food and water from an entire population, as Israel is now inflicting on Gaza, amounts to collective punishment – also illegal under international law.

This vicious cycle of conflict and food insecurity needs to be broken. The right to food is a fundamental and universal human right

To avert further catastrophic impacts, we call for safe, unimpeded and sustained access to food, water and other humanitarian assistance to be restored for civilians in Gaza. Aid flows must urgently be sped up and scaled up, and must include fuel for running hospitals and operating water pumps. We support the reinstatement of funding for UNRWA, as the best organization to provide humanitarian assistance, according to even Israeli and US officials. Mark Miller, US State Department spokesperson said  “There is no other humanitarian player in Gaza who can provide food and water and medicine at the scale UNRWA does.” 

Further, we call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the violence and the return of hostages and prisoners, as precursors to a just political process that will enable sustainable peace and security and build a basis for lasting food security.

Finally, we call for the respect of international law and for an end to the use of food as a weapon of war.

With thanks to the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) who released a statement upon which we base this text, updated from the original released on 24 Oct

NOTE: Please ensure you have approval from your organization if you endorse as an organization. Otherwise, your endorsement as an individual is very welcome.

ENDORSEMENTS as of April 2, 2024



Canadian Association for Food Studies

Cedar Down Farm, Neustadt, ON

Centre for Feminist Research, York University, Toronto, ON

Colwood Urban Flower Farm

Community Fridges HamOnt, Hamilton, ON

Community Fridges of Toronto

Concordia Food Coalition, Montreal, QC

Creative Food Research Collaboratory, Toronto, ON

Dartmouth Community Fridge, Dartmouth, NS

Food Not Bombs Hamilton, ON

FoodBridge, Montreal, QC

Food Not Bombs U of T, Toronto, ON

Food Secure Canada

FoodShare Toronto

Green Majority Radio, Toronto, ON

Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Toronto, ON

IfNotNow Toronto

Karma Co-op, Toronto, ON

Labour4Palestine, Victoria, BC

Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Lund, Sweden

Miinikaan Innovation and Design Inc., Toronto, ON

Motherdough Mill & Bakery, Toronto, ON

National Farmers Union


Parkdale Community Food Bank

Peterborough Community Medicine Garden

PieceMeal Food Provisions

Regenesis Canada

Rise Up Foods



Shade of Miti, Peel Region, ON

Small Spade Farm, ON

Sprightly Sprouts Co-op, Guelph, ON

The Abibiman Project, Toronto, ON

The Greenhouse Eatery, Toronto, ON

The People’s Pantry, Toronto, ON


University-Rosedale for Palestine

Wild Path Farm, Keswick, ON



  1. Mikiki Artist, Tkaronto/Toronto, ON

  2. Solim Abambora Guelph, ON

  3. Rin Abedi Toronto, ON

  4. Nimra Abid Accountant, Juffair

  5. Rachel Adjei Entrepreneur, Toronto, ON

  6. Allyson Adley Thornhill, ON

  7. Stephanie Agosta Kuujjuaq, QC

  8. Mohsen Alam Toronto, ON

  9. Suman Ali Chef, Toronto, ON

  10. Sabah Alnasseri Associate Professor, Toronto

  11. Nil Alt PhD Candidate, Toronto, Ontario

  12. Nicole Andre National Farmers Union, Stratford, ON

  13. Kaitlin Anstety Mississauga, ON

  14. Heloisa Antunes PhD student, Porto, Portugal

  15. Feven Araya Toronto, ON

  16. Alex Ateah Toronto, ON

  17. Sopy Augurusa Quebec

  18. Sarah Ayoub Mississauga, ON

  19. Vanessa Baez Public School Elementary Teacher, Toronto, ON

  20. Blueberry Baker Ottawa, ON

  21. Nahiyan Bakht Student, York University, Toronto, ON

  22. Patricia Ballamingie Professor, Geography & Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

  23. Ellie Balotovsky Toronto, ON

  24. Deborah Barndt York University, Earth to Tables Legacy Project, Toronto, ON

  25. Sarah Barnes Toronto, ON

  26. Victoria Baxter Toronto, ON

  27. Marina Bazalitskaya L4P Victoria, BCGEU worker, Victoria, BC

  28. Micheline Beaudry Professeure retraitée de nutrition publique (U Laval), Mouvement allaitement du Québec (MAQ)l, Laval, Qc

  29. Ariane Beaulieu-Gendron Student, Montreal, QC

  30. Megan Bennett Program Coordinator, Toronto, ON

  31. Stephanie Bennett Paris, ON

  32. Genet Berhe Toronto, ON

  33. Meredith Bessey PhD Candidate, University of Guelph, Halifax, NS

  34. Fatoumata Binta Balde Registered dietitian, MSc candidate, Montréal, QC

  35. Sophie Blahuta

  36. Merran Blair Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne, AUS

  37. Marianne Bloudoff Registered Dietitian, Victoria, BC

  38. Ohemaa Boateng Executive Director, Toronto, ON

  39. Michaela Bohunicky Public Health Dietitian, Thunder Bay, ON

  40. Luke Brennan Toronto, ON

  41. Mark Brill Retiree, Toronto, ON

  42. Iris Brown Parkdale Community Food Bank, Toronto, ON

  43. Amy Brown-Coleman Toronto, ON

  44. Chardaye Bueckert Toronto, ON

  45. Dallyn Cann Holland Landing, ON

  46. Alex Caron-Mondestin Montreal, QC

  47. Celeste Ceres Co-Founder, Sacraspice, Toronto, ON

  48. Nancy Chad Health Promoter, ON 

  49. Dahlia ChanTang Food security community worker, Montreal, QC

  50. Steph Chartrand Canadian Association for Food Studies - Board Member, Toronto, ON

  51. Claudia Chaufan University Professor, Toronto, ON

  52. Rachel Cheng Community organizer and photographer, Montreal, QC

  53. Joni Cheung Artist, Montreal, QC

  54. Mun Cho Dietitian, ON

  55. Ingrid Chong Toronto, ON

  56. Leya Choudhury Toronto, ON

  57. Tina Chu Toronto, ON

  58. Andrea Clark Victoria, BC

  59. Brynn Clarke Toronto, ON

  60. Isabel Cooperman Toronto, ON

  61. Meryn Corkery Squamish, BC

  62. Mojdeh Cox Arva, ON

  63. Stephanie Cullen-Conroy Toronto, ON

  64. Laura Cuttini Toronto, ON

  65. Jade Da Costa Postdoctoral Researcher, UGuelph; Cofounder and Leader of The People's Pantry 

  66. Aruna Dahanayake Toronto, ON

  67. Bryan Dale Assistant Professor, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, QC

  68. Linor David Professor, Centennial College, Toronto, ON

  69. Paul DeCampo Toronto, ON

  70. Maia De Graff Hamilton, ON 

  71. Conely de Leon Toronto, ON

  72. Janet Deacon Toronto, ON

  73. Leticia Ama Deawuo Ottawa, ON

  74. Anvita Desai Toronto, ON

  75. Dustin Dewan Ontario

  76. Ayal Dinner Owner, Manager, Rise Up Foods

  77. Jenny Dueck Food Security Contractor, Rossland, BC

  78. Joe Durand Toronto, ON

  79. Kevin Dykema Piscataway, NJ, USA

  80. Daniela Dzoja Toronto, ON

  81. Sara Edge Associate Director, Centre for Studies in Food Security, Toronto, ON

  82. Jenn Elliott Vancouver, BC

  83. Stephanie Enevoldsen Saanichton, BC

  84. Rachel Engler-Stringer Professor, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK

  85. Elaine Eppler Dietician, Vancouver, BC

  86. Fleur Esteron Lecturer and student, Hamilton, ON

  87. Chantal Eves Food Security Advocate, Calgary, AB

  88. Sheena Ewan Visionary/Founder/Cultural Wellness Advocate. Toronto, ON

  89. Karen Fediuk Nutrition Researcher, Victoria, BC

  90. Nicole Fernandez Toronto, ON

  91. Carole Ferrari Baker, Miller, Toronto, ON

  92. Kathryn Firth Toronto, ON

  93. Brianne Formoso St. Catherines, ON

  94. Jon Franchetto Calgary, AB

  95. Lesley Frank Canada Research Chair in Food, Health, and Social Justice, Wolfville, NS

  96. Harriet Friedmann Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

  97. Kara Friesen PieceMeal Food Provisions, Nova Scotia

  98. Hillary Fry Dietitian, Northern Health, Kitimat, BC

  99. Alessia Gadoua Montreal, QC

  100. Carmen Galvan Grief counsellor, registered social worker, Toronto, ON

  101. Lucie Ganz Toronto, ON

  102. Craig Gauder Toronto, ON

  103. Katie Gauthier Student, George Brown College, Placement @ Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Toronto, ON

  104. Ashley Genz-Sandoval Clinical Dietician, Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, USA

  105. Shannon Gerard Artist teacher & farmer, Stirling, ON

  106. Jacqui Gingras Professor, Sociology (founder Journal of Critical Dietetics), Toronto, ON

  107. Jill Glessing CUPE 3904, World Beyond War, Davenport for Ceasefire, Samudra choir, Toronto, ON

  108. Rachel Globensky Bayes Healthy Kids Program Coordinator, TBDHU, Thunder Bay, ON

  109. Sarah Goodman IfNotNow Toronto, Toronto, ON

  110. Megan Grant Sudbury, ON

  111. Anna Gray Vancouver, BC

  112. Chloe Guinaudie Parkdale Community Food Bank, Toronto, ON

  113. Raul Gutierrez Brampton, ON

  114. Arden Hagedorn ON

  115. Nasseem Hakimian Project Manager NFU, Montreal, QC

  116. Hiba Hamze Victoria, BC

  117. Grace Harding Keswick, ON

  118. Sunday Harrison Executive Director, Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Toronto, ON

  119. Hilary Hart Toronto, ON

  120. Meredith Hayes Toronto, ON

  121. Alana Haynes Stein Sacramento, California, US

  122. Karen Hébert Associate Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

  123. Zoë Heyn-Jones Post-Doctoral Fellow, Toronto, ON

  124. Jahlea Henry Pastry Chef, Ten Restaurant

  125. Haley Higdon Toronto, ON

  126. Danielle Hinchberger Hamilton, ON

  127. Akheela Hisham Toronto, ON

  128. Caelin Homola Toronto, ON

  129. Pam Hong Toronto, ON

  130. Fateha Hossain Toronto, ON

  131. Stefan Hostetter Co-Host, Green Majority Radio, Toronto, ON

  132. Calum Houston Toronto, ON

  133. Laurel Huget St. John’s, NL

  134. Beth Hunter Montreal, QC

  135. Saira Hussain Vaughan, ON

  136. Khalid Jamal

  137. Lorraine Johnson Toronto, ON

  138. Matt Johnstone Executive Director, FoodShare Toronto, Toronto, ON

  139. Emily Jones Somatic Practitioner, Cobourg, ON

  140. John Kane Storyteller, Toronto, ON

  141. Sameera Karim Mississauga, ON

  142. Iris “Ike” Karuna Board Vice-Chair, Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Walkerton, ON

  143. Houda Kerkadi Community worker, Montreal, QC

  144. Kelly Kerr Director of Operations, Toronto, ON

  145. Bilal Khan Toronto, ON

  146. Sarah Khan Cambridge, ON

  147. Bobby Khorasani Toronto, ON

  148. Patricia Ki Artist, educator, Tkaronto

  149. David Knipe Toronto, ON

  150. Jen Knoch Toronto, ON

  151. Mustafa Koc Director, Centre for Studies in Food Security, Toronto, ON

  152. Bryan Koivisto Associate Professor, Toronto, ON

  153. Monika Korzun Postdoctoral Fellow, Greenfield, NS

  154. Shauna Landsberg Toronto, ON

  155. Hanna Lang Toronto, ON

  156. Michelle Lara Toronto, ON

  157. Kari Larson Calgary, AB

  158. Rebecca Laycock Pedersen Postdoctoral Researcher, Lund, Sweden

  159. Phoebe Lee Community dietitian RD, MHSc, Toronto, ON

  160. Sherren Lee Toronto, ON

  161. Charles Levkoe Canada Research Chair in Equitable and Sustainable Food Systems, Thunder Bay, ON

  162. Gabriel Li Toronto, ON

  163. Mariela Libedinsky Food Security Worker, Toronto, ON

  164. Rachel Lissner Toronto, ON

  165. Catherine Littlefield Food Systems Researcher, Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation, Ottawa, ON

  166. Chris Locke Toronto, ON

  167. Anan Lololi Food Activist, Toronto, ON

  168. Orlando Lopez Gomes Community Food Growing Senior Manager, FoodShare Toronto, Toronto ON 

  169. Charlene Lord Toronto, ON

  170. Christina Lu Markham, ON

  171. Kim Lucas Dietitian, Victoria, BC

  172. Jasmin M Toronto, ON

  173. Brad MacMillan Mississauga, ON

  174. Brittany MacMillan Toronto, ON

  175. Alexis MacNeil Toronto, ON

  176. André Magnan Professor, University of Regina, Regina, SK

  177. Wendy Mah Culinary Professor, George Brown College

  178. Colleen Mahaffie Toronto, ON

  179. Joshna Maharaj Toronto, ON

  180. Chelsea Maier Victoria, BC

  181. Maseeda Majeed Toronto, ON

  182. Anna Mancuso Toronto, ON

  183. Nicole Mankinen Toronto, ON

  184. Nada Mansour Montreal, QC

  185. Pauline Marcombe Riffa

  186. Madeline Marmor Farmer, Restorative Justice Facilitator, Toronto/Tkaronto, Canada - Turtle Island

  187. Jenine Marsh University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

  188. Sarah J. Martin Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Memorial University, St. John's, NL

  189. Mary Anne MartinPost-Doctoral Researcher, Research for Social Change Lab, Trent University

  190. Emma McCallum Toronto, ON

  191. Audrey McDonald Food business owner, Toronto, ON

  192. Megan McGinnis-Dunphy Board Member, Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Toronto, ON

  193. Miru Mcphail Toronto, ON

  194. Miranda McSorley Owen Sound, ON

  195. Merouan Mekouar Associate Professor, York University, Toronto, ON

  196. Isabelle Michaud-LéTourneau Adjunct Professor in Public Health, Montreal, QC

  197. Sophie Mihevc Toronto, ON

  198. Emily Mooney MSW, RSW, Toronto, ON

  199. Marina Morrow Professor, Toronto, ON

  200. Dara Moshonas Toronto, ON

  201. Ashley Motran Public Health Nutritionist/Registered Dietitian, Ontario

  202. Elizabeth Mudenyo Toronto, ON

  203. Nick Mul Toronto, ON

  204. Bashir Munye Agri-Culinary Educator, Toronto, ON

  205. Colette Murphy Founder, Urban Harvest Organic Seeds, Warkworth, ON

  206. Shallen Murray Toronto, ON

  207. John Murtaugh Toronto, ON

  208. Stephanie Myers Social Worker, Community Health, Toronto, ON

  209. Danya Nadar PhD, Toronto, ON

  210. Denis Najarro Toronto, ON

  211. Camille Nepveu Graduate Student, Concordia University, Montreal, QC

  212. Jen Newsted Vancouver, BC

  213. Carrie Ng Farmer, Toronto, ON

  214. Melanie Ng Urban Farmer, Toronto, ON

  215. Alex Nguyen Dietetic Student, University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON

  216. Reg Noble Academic Co-ordinator, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, ON

  217. Meenakshi Nowrattan Public relations account manager, Brampton, ON

  218. Lauren Nurse Organic Farmer, Small Spade Farm, ON 

  219. Jeremy O'Shea Victoria, BC

  220. Alex Oliveira Toronto, ON

  221. Julie Osland Volunteer driver, Parkdale Community Food Bank, Toronto, ON

  222. Kyle Osland Toronto, ON

  223. Alissa Overend Associate Professor, Edmonton, AB

  224. Michelle Ouellette Montreal, QC

  225. Emma Palumbo Frontline worker, therapist, Halifax, NS

  226. Helena Pamic Toronto, ON

  227. Sofi Papamarko Toronto, ON

  228. Inti Paredes Volunteer, Parkdale Community Food Bank, Toronto, ON

  229. Paul Parillo Toronto, ON

  230. Kate Parizeau Associate Professor, University of Guelph, ON

  231. Shimona Patel Operations Manager, Parkdale Community Food Bank, Toronto, ON

  232. Matt Patenaude Toronto, ON

  233. Danielle Pearcey Toronto, ON

  234. Tara Marina Pearson Toronto, ON

  235. Carla Pellegrini Vancouver, BC

  236. Kristina Percy Campbell River, BC

  237. Roberto Perin Professor Emeritus, Toronto, ON

  238. Paolo Perin Toronto, ON

  239. Jessica Perkins Hamilton, ON

  240. P E Perkins Toronto, ON

  241. Erica Perry Toronto, ON

  242. Kristen Perry Urban farmer and food justice worker, Montreal, PQ

  243. Diana Persaud North York, ON

  244. Claire Perttula Food Justice Projects Co-ordinator, Toronto, ON

  245. Danielle Peters Winnipeg, MB

  246. Nichola Petts PR Manager, Toronto, ON

  247. A. Pope Toronto, ON

  248. Rachel Portinga PhD Candidate, Health Sciences, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON

  249. Elaine Power Professor, Queen's University, Kingston, ON

  250. Narj Prem Richmond Hill, ON

  251. Geneva Rainsforth Montreal, QC

  252. Tsilavo Ralandison Contract lecturer, Thunder Bay, ON

  253. Kitty Raman costa Executive Director, Parkdale Community Food Bank

  254. Tara Ramkhelawan Flemo Farm Co-ordinator, Toronto, ON

  255. Emily Rees Vancouver, BC

  256. Jenelle Regnier-Davies Centre for Studies in Food Security; Canadian Association for Food Studies, Hamilton, ON

  257. Heather Reid St. Johns, NL

  258. Ben Reinhartz Development Co-ordinator, FoodShare Toronto, Toronto, ON

  259. Tyler Resto Chicago, IL, USA

  260. Rachel Ricketts Author, Toronto, ON

  261. Natalie Riediger Associate Professor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB

  262. Alison Riley Toronto, ON

  263. Gael Riveti Toronto, ON

  264. Katie Robinson Maple Ridge, BC

  265. Caden Rose Hamilton, ON

  266. Sarah Rotz Assistant Professor, Environmental and Urban Change, York University, Toronto, ON

  267. Mary Roufail Ottawa, ON

  268. Katarzyna Rukszto Toronto, ON

  269. Karin Saari Duncan, BC

  270. Mah Salam Toronto, ON

  271. Alia Salman Bahrain

  272. Carren Sauder Fort Erie, ON

  273. Nancy Saul-Demers Mayreau, Southern Grenadines, St. Vincent & the Grenadines

  274. Joelle Schaefer Saskatoon, SK

  275. Caitlin Scott Professor of Food Studies, George Brown College, Toronto, ON

  276. Giselle Segovia Toronto, ON

  277. Alisa Senecal Dietitian, Summerland, BC

  278. Marion Shanks Educator, Toronto, ON

  279. Stephanie Shulhan Richmond, BC

  280. John Simoulidis Assistant Professor, York University, Toronto, ON

  281. Melissa Sinfield Ottawa, ON

  282. Rav Singh Shade of Miti, Peel Region, ON

  283. Chandan Singh Toronto, ON

  284. Kelly Slover Delivery Program Manager, Parkdale Community Food Bank, Toronto, ON

  285. Robbie Solway Toronto, ON

  286. Tammara Soma Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

  287. Nicole Spencer Vancouver, BC

  288. Philippa Spoel Professor, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON

  289. Charlotte Spring Postdoctoral Fellow, Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, Waterloo, ON

  290. Helene St Jacques Volunteer, Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Toronto, ON

  291. Lori Stahlbrand Professor of Food Studies, Toronto, ON

  292. Airin Stephens Thunder Bay, ON

  293. Jenifer Stewart Health and safety, Oshawa, ON

  294. Ekow Stone Farmer, Uxbridge, ON

  295. Joanna Swain Toronto, ON

  296. Nabil Tahani York University, Toronto, ON

  297. Emma Tamlin Toronto, ON

  298. Maggie Tammik Toronto, ON

  299. Tsering Tashi Toronto, ON

  300. Paul Taylor Toronto, ON

  301. Kim-Ly Thompson PhD Candidate, Simon Fraser University, Smithers, BC

  302. Katelyn Tieng SLP, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

  303. Gregg Tilston Toronto, ON

  304. Brittany Tilstra Toronto, ON

  305. Chimu Titi Health Promoter, Toronto, ON

  306. Jessica Tong Keswick, ON

  307. Gayla Trail Writer, ON

  308. Tiffany Trinidad Toronto, ON

  309. Virginia Trott Ontario

  310. Alexa Tucker Burnaby, BC

  311. Natasha Tusikov Associate Professor, York University, Toronto, ON

  312. Dylan Ullman Guelph, ON

  313. Mandana Vahabi Professor, Toronto, ON

  314. Brooke van Mossel-Forrester Montreal, PQ

  315. Saskia Vegter Toronto, ON

  316. Andrea Ventura Sales Representative, upcoming graduate student York University, Toronto, ON

  317. Anélia Victor Farmer, Toronto, ON

  318. Usha Viswanathan Associate Professor, York University, Toronto, ON

  319. Elle W Toronto, ON

  320. Ciara Walker Brooklyn, NY, USA

  321. Marlee Wasser Toronto, ON

  322. Jes Watson Toronto, ON

  323. Raejeanne Watts Community Health Promoter, Toronto, ON

  324. Lindsay White Gardener, Toronto, ON

  325. Matthew Wilson Milton, ON

  326. Claudia Winkelmann Toronto, ON

  327. Ingrid Wirsig Toronto, ON

  328. Shylah Wolfe Executive Director, Montréal, QC

  329. Francisco Yarur Toronto, ON

  330. Kirsten Young Owner, Colwood Urban Flower Farm, Victoria, BCN


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